Thursday, July 27, 2006

I think it’s nice and thoughtful of Larry King to acknowledge the people behind the camera who equally risk their lives as the journalist we see in front of the camera.

He took a few seconds on yesterday’s show to acknowledge them for a job well done. I think it’s really sweet of him to do that. These are the people who, we viewers, often forget about because it’s the journalist we see.

Thank you, Larry King!


Sheryn said...

Does Blogger like you yet? I must have cursed for an hour the other day!

Hope you are well!

dancing_nancy said...

hey, sheryn! blogger hates me still. i don't know what i did, i must have clicked something from the setting, i'm still trying to figure out what i did.

have a great weekend!

Sheryn said...

Try this:

When you import a picture, choose the "None" option under Picture Layout. Then when the picture imports, you can align it whatever way you want.

This is the only way I've been able to do it!

Have a great weekend!

dancing_nancy said...

will give it a try! thanks :)

i_heart_anderson_cooper said...

Hi Nancy! Long time, no blog! I hope everything is going ok. How's the job? How's the Anderobsession?

dancing_nancy said...

hello! i heart anderson!

it's my last week on my current job and they're giving me tons of work to do :(

i missed blogging. thanks for asking, i hope you're okay. :)