Thursday, April 27, 2006

Please check the Caring 4 Katrina website and learn how you can make a difference. It wouldn't hurt you a bit! A lot of Katrina victims are still out there waiting for you. Please volunteer, lend a hand and make your summer vacation worthwhile. Think of it as an opportunity to do good, a lot of people want to help but they don't know how or where to start...this is your chance!

I'm wishing for the success of this project made possible by some very extra caring people from the Andercommunity. Guys, you know I'd help if I were somewhere near you, right? I hoped I helped in the littlest possible way.

Anderwithdrawal III

Dear Blog,

It seems like I'm back to square one again. I thought I was making progress...but I'm not. It's so hard specially when I read blogs about Anderson talking about how great 360 was, how unexpectedly funny he was, about how blue his eye was that evening...little things about him. I know it's silly but I know that I'm not the only one feeling this way.

I so miss Anderson.

I feel pain in my heart ....


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Anderwithdrawal Part II


Dear Blog,

I'd like to let you know that I'm doing great under the circumstances...Whenever I'm having an episode of depression over "losing" Anderson...I think of a happy thought, I know it sounds lame but it works for me. I imagine him walking under the hot summer sun of Africa in his black shirt reporting about the kids' dying in Maradi, Niger. I don't know...weird as it may sound but it is my "happy thought." I'll always remember him in that makeshift hospital...I think I should stop talking about it, I'm sounding a bit like a broken record already.

Anyway, I stopped watching CNNI since they dropped him, I just can't bear to "face" them right now. Maybe in the future...say, hurricane season. Hahaha...

See? I told you I'm doing okay, I got my (horrible) sense of humor back.

I get my news now from BBC. Come to think of it, I've always been a BBC watcher, I only switched to CNN because of Anderson. Don't get me wrong, I've grown to love the people of CNNI...but for now, I can't watch them. I'm still on the process of healing. I'm taking things one at a time.

But do you know what "boggles my mind"? (*missing anderson more* *sobs*)

I stopped watching TDS the same time they stopped showing AC360˚! I don't know why?! The only possible reason I can think of is that: I can't love Jon Stewart without Anderson Cooper but I sure can love Anderson Cooper without Jon Stewart. Am I confusing you? 'Cause I'm getting confused myself.

I will write you soon.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Anderwithdrawal Part I

Dear blog,

What a bad blogger I turned out to be! CNNI dropped AC360 and then I abandon you, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to but it's just that I've been sick. I couldn't get my andefix anymore from my regular supplier (CNNI). They decided to abruptly take it away from me so in turn I have to deal with my anderwithdrawal everyday. It was so unexpected and you of all things/people know that I tried so many times to quit Anderson but it all failed. I wasn't prepared at all.

It's been rough, nasty and unpretty. I've been having irrational mood swings, sweatings, shakings and depression. But I'm a bit better now, it's hard but I'm hopeful that I'll get through this and that someday CNNI will bring him him back.

Thank goodness for those folks from Anderloads for keeping me strong each day, I get my andervitamins from them, what a bunch of good anderfriends they are.

I hope you understand and I really am sorry for leaving you for a while. I promise to come here and update you more often. You've always been here for me and it's only right that I do the same to you.


Thursday, April 6, 2006

CNNI took AC360˚ out of their schedule, they've put TSR instead! (i like wolf but anderson's better)


*stabs cnni*

*rolls on the floor crying*


Sunday, April 2, 2006

I hope this will help me get through an Anderless week!!!

These images of Anderson will forever stay with me.

This is the first time that he really got my attention. I first saw him during his report on the Asian Tsunami but the destruction and the lost of lives were just too overwhelming to actually notice him ... so I consider this my very first Andersighting.

Image843This will always remain in my mind's eye whenever I think of Anderson.

This report of his made me cry.

ReflectingImage904I remember that Saturday morning when I tuned in to CNNI and saw him again for the second time... The images I saw and the stories he told haunts me still, so unforgettable.

I went out of town last week and I got back last Saturday but spent all day and night sleeping since I got back so officially, I just got back a few hours ago. I am not feeling well, I'm feeling dizzy and I'm feeling a bit depressed, I feel so sad. I don't have any problem as of the moment but I'm feeling low, maybe I should get sugar high or something. Could this be severe anderwithdrawal?


I can't feel this way all day. I've got to find me happy thought.

I'm hoping this will work, I'm posting some of my all time favourite Anderson photos:


He looks like a boy, no, he looks like a an old man who looks like a boy. Wait! he looks like a boy, only he's not a boy but a full grown man.

I'm getting confused.

Anyway, he's so cute in this picture!


Giggling Anderson, his laugh is so contagious, my sides and jaw hurt just by listening to his chuckles!


I normally don't have a dirty mind but this one...hmmmmm...this photo is so not right on oh, so many levels!


Could he be any cuter!!! There's nothing more I can say about this screencap.

I'm feeling better already! It actually works!