Thursday, July 13, 2006

Googling Anderson Cooper

I can’t wait to see Andy on David Letterman, I’m hoping to hear more of his andergiggles. I just can’t help but smile and giggle just by thinking about it.

I feel so weird because lately I feel like wanting to see Andy more and more. I just can’t get enough of him. Last night, I heard his voice on CNNi, it made me miss him even more. I wonder when I could quit him? Not that I want to quit him anytime soon but I wonder…

(As if I haven’t tried quitting him before… )

By the way, next month, around mid-August, will be my first year of being an Anderfan. As I said before, I first saw him when he reported from Sri Lanka back in January 2005, I didn’t “fall in love” with him instantly then, I didn’t even catch his name. I was just glued to him, I couldn’t change the channel, I usually watched BBC then, I was itching to change the channel but somehow my fingers won’t let me touch the remote, I was drawn to him, like a moth to a fire, and the sincerity in the tone of his voice… so endearing… he had this soothing voice…hmmm… I think I hear him again… in my head…wait a minute… I must be going mad. Why do I always hear Coop in my head? Must snap out of it. * must get my medicine… * * runs to the room and get a picture of Andy *

Anyway, my second sighting of Andy was last August 2005, I woke up late that Saturday morning, I turned on the TV and put the channel to CNN, and there he was…again. This time he was in Maradi, Niger, reporting from a makeshift hospital…

I remember screaming, “It’s him! the man I saw last January, ” I was talking to my then 3 year old son. He kinda looked puzzled but I didn’t care. I gave him his bottle of milk and I continued watching the news and Anderson Cooper… “I finally got his name,” I said to myself.

I googled him the following day and was surprised that he had a LOT of fans. I didn’t think that time that people could actually find reporters interesting. Googling Andy opened my eyes to a whole new different world, he opened up new doors and possibilities to me. So to speak…

So, this blog goes out to Anderson Cooper and I, it’s our fist year anniversary next month! Hope to see more of you and less of the tragedy and bad news! But, more of hurricanes… perhaps… Ha ha ha!!! Just kidding.

Happy Anniversary, dear!!! * falls off the chair *

* Gosh, can I get any more delusional than I already am? *


i_heart_anderson_cooper said...

Congrats!! You two make a lovely couple!

His name didn't stick with me first either (channel one & then later cause of Sri Lanka & later again thanks to Oprah!). I went around calling him Cooper Anderson!

What are you going to do to celebrate?

dancing_nancy said...

hahaha!!! maybe i should ask him.

i_heart_anderson_cooper said...

Go to Dominos Pizza (do you ahve one near you?).

dancing_nancy said...

what a great idea! haha!!!

We've got Domino's Pizza here, like, everywhere! ;)

i_heart_anderson_cooper said...

do you know his fave topping?

i_heart_anderson_cooper said...

OT- nancy- are you interested:

The Anderson Cooper Trading Post

Here's the idea- if you want to trade AC memorabilia without the hassels of ebay or the cost- visit

There you can find ppl who are willing to trade with you. It costs nothing & you will never pay for a magazine or item, only shipping on the item you are trading it for. I'll be commenting on all the AC blogs I can find to try to get it up and running ASAP.

Anonymous said...

that sounds fun, i will surely go there! thanks for telling me. :)


Anonymous said...

This sounds very similar to my first Anderson experience. It was a few years ago, and he was reporting from somewhere, I don't remember, and like you I didn't even catch his name; it was like I was hypnotized. All I could think was that he was the most striking man I'd ever seen. I didn't watch CNN regularly, so I only caught him a couple of times, but each time I had the same reaction.

It wasn't until his Jeopardy appearance (another one of my "obsessions") that I finally got his name straight (like you, i heart... I'd mix up the order!) and "fell in love". He was just so awesome. I was releived to see he was more than a pretty face. Since then I've been a fan, and have been able to see how good he is at what he does, and admire him for that more than anything.

After seeing him on Oprah (of all things) and hearing his "backstory" even the hubby is impressed. It would've been so easy for him to just fall back on the family name, but instead he forged his own way. That takes guts.

dancing_nancy said...

so true! i was really glad to know that he had brains and good heart to match his good looks!