Sunday, April 2, 2006

I went out of town last week and I got back last Saturday but spent all day and night sleeping since I got back so officially, I just got back a few hours ago. I am not feeling well, I'm feeling dizzy and I'm feeling a bit depressed, I feel so sad. I don't have any problem as of the moment but I'm feeling low, maybe I should get sugar high or something. Could this be severe anderwithdrawal?


I can't feel this way all day. I've got to find me happy thought.

I'm hoping this will work, I'm posting some of my all time favourite Anderson photos:


He looks like a boy, no, he looks like a an old man who looks like a boy. Wait! he looks like a boy, only he's not a boy but a full grown man.

I'm getting confused.

Anyway, he's so cute in this picture!


Giggling Anderson, his laugh is so contagious, my sides and jaw hurt just by listening to his chuckles!


I normally don't have a dirty mind but this one...hmmmmm...this photo is so not right on oh, so many levels!


Could he be any cuter!!! There's nothing more I can say about this screencap.

I'm feeling better already! It actually works!


Rita said...

In reference to the one where he is sitting down....woooweee! Wouldn't u just love to sit on that lap!....One of my favorite your blog too!!

dancing_nancy said...

thanks for visiting, rita! i'm adding you on my link, i hope it's okay with you?

Rita said...

that's fine with me!! :D