Thursday, March 9, 2006


At last! I finally got to watch 360˚, I missed Anderson so much. No wonder I haven't been feeling very well for a very long time...I've been suffering from Anderwithdrawal. Tee hee! I can't believe that he's still not cutting his hair, It's getting kinda long and I looove it. It's so perfect.

I'm also glad he's gotten his pink lips back, his make-up last week was...horrific! No thanks to the CNN LA make-up people. Honestly, he looked like he didn't get enough oxygen last week...his lips are purplish, he looked dead.


screencap courtesy of bcfraggle

The dogs are going home!? It's the best thing that's ever happened to the relatives of Katrina victims for a very long time... to finally get a chance to find the bodies of their missing loved ones...and now, bureaucracy is getting in the way. It makes my blood boil and I'm not even an American. "Mindboggling" indeed!

GordonparksI have to admit, all I know about Gordon Parks was that he was the director of "Shaft," back in 1971. And I only learned about it because Samuel Jackson starred in a movie directed by John Singleton back in 2000. What a shame. I was overwhelmed of his talents and accomplishments, and he didn't go to school to learn it. It came naturally. Some people spend a lifetime learning just a few of what he knew. Anderson's right, he was cool. He wrote a tribute to Gordon Parks on his blog today.

Here's an excerpt (my favorite part):

Most kids don't pay much attention to their parents' friends, but when Gordon Parks came to stay at our house on weekends during the summer, my brother and I made sure we would be around. I knew Gordon was cool, long before I even knew what the word cool meant. Memory plays tricks over time, and I can't recall if Gordon drove a Jaguar or a Porsche, but I remember it was the most beautiful sports car I'd ever seen. He told me he'd give it to me when he died. Later, he admitted he said that to just about everyone who inquired about the car.

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