Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I really had no intentions on ranting about our political situations right now because I'm sick and tired of it. If I could leave our country right now, I would!

She now declared a state of emergency...What's next? Martial Law? Honestly, it could happen, there's a big chance that it will come next. She won't resign, she's holding on to her (fake) presidency oh, so tightly! What a thick-faced woman she is. She cheated, she lied, just to stay in power! I really think that if she can make a deal and sell her soul to the devil right now, she will...There is absolutely nothing she won't do to stay there.

I wonder if I will get in trouble by writing this. She ordered the arrest of UP Professor Randy David and he is now detained at the Camp Caringal. I'm sure it's illegal...but hey, she's the president...a fake one but she holds the power. So sad.


Phebe said...

If you do decide to leave you probably want to avoid coming to the US. We've got a leader who sucks too. Sorry :(

dancing_nancy said...

at least your prez isn't corrupt, is he? ours is, like, corrupt to the bones including his husband and one of his two sons. arrggh!!!