Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Breaking from Breaking Bad

I couldn't get myself to watch episode 8 of season 5, I just can't... it's like saying goodbye to friends, I just can't do it. Breaking Bad kept me company this whole time. I started to watch season 1 two weeks ago only stopping if I start to feel pain and had to lie down or something. And now I'm on my last episode of season 5. I probably won't watch it until I get a copy of the the second half's final season.

I've never watched anything like it... it's so addicting (pun intended)! I never thought cooking meth involved that much knowledge in chemistry but then again I never paid much attention to illegal drugs before, heck, I've never smoked weed or tasted drug of any kind up until now. But this meth business is really intriguing... Bryan Cranston must be that good, I'm so scared of him now! I watched Larry Crowne yesterday and he played Julia Robert's asshole of a husband... he's messing with my head... I just realized this now... after watching every episode I had to think of Bryan as Hal from Malcolm in the Middle to make everything right again in my head again.

Then there's Aaron Paul, I didn't know him before, he didn't look familiar, I don't remember him from any other show... but boy, oh boy! he's good. I tend to "look after" him after every time. So glad Jesse's quitting the meth business... stay away from Mr White, Jesse! Listen to Mike... he's dead but you don't know it yet... shhh... Mr White killed him. Oddly enough, I like Skinny Pete and Badger... they're loyal to Jesse. That's enough reason to love them.

Next year seems so far away. Sigh.

*i think breaking from breaking bad will do me good... i better be watching 'the regular show' and 'adventure time' instead*

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