Monday, August 28, 2006

Of Admitting my Mother is Right and Swallowing my Words

My mother is right! I am a rolling stone. I just can’t stay in one office for too long. Something must be wrong with me? She keeps on telling me to find me an office and then settle, grow some roots and stay rooted but I can’t do it. I think I'm addicted to the thrill of jobhunting. I think it keeps me alive, I can't stand doing the same thing over and over. Oh no! I am a shark, too! (Apologies to Anderson Cooper for the shark reference.) Maybe I'm in the wrong field of work, maybe I should be doing something else, maybe I haven't found my bliss yet!

I'm afraid of changes and yet I keep on changing jobs. I wonder how I can keep this job before I start to scan wanted ads again?

As of this moment, I am working, officially, with DLSU Press, again. I’m so lucky they took me back with open arms (I think), And I am so lucky they took me back without any question, after I “disappeared” from my Makati office. I know, I said I didn’t like it here because of so many things, they've been so kind to me, I think. (at least they don't say anything bad about me in my face)

I realized that I like going home early and spend more time with my kids. I realized that I enjoy walking my way to and from the office, it's a 15 minute walk from my house. I realized that money, really, does not make me happy, my family makes me happy.

Lately, it seems like swallowing my words is all I ever do, I'm not proud of it, mind you. Here they are, let's count...

"I'll never work in an office that would require me to work on Saturdays!"

"I'll never work in an office that uses PC, I'm a Mac user and I'll stay that way." (When one is desperate for a job, computer brand is not an issue.)

"This office is boring me into a coma, I'm so glad I resigned." (I came back, turns out, I like boring jobs.)

"I'll never work on an Adevertising agency, ever!" (I did, for two days.)

"I'll never work in a government office, ever!"

"I'm quitting Anderson Cooper!"

"I'm quitting Anderson Cooper for good!"
"I'm quitting Andy, this time it's true!"

"Damn CNNi! I'm never gonna watch CNNi again if they don't bring Anderson back."

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