Thursday, September 1, 2005

Ang Agila...bow!

I attended my son's first school program the other day – I didn't want to come to tell you the truth but as a mother it's my duty to support and attend every school activity or program they have, and I don't want them to look like orphans! Although I'm not sure if Dylan really knows what he's doing, he dutifully recites his line every night before sleeping! The kid's been practising and memorizing his two sentence acrostic line for three weeks, he's really serious about it. You should've seen him practice, it's hilarious!

I remember so clearly how I felt when I first attended a school program two years ago when my daughter was in kinder 1 (she's now in grade 1), as usual I went there because I have to but still I couln't hide my excitement to see my daughter reciting and dancing on stage.

Now, I'm back to the same school, sitting and watching the same program the school prepared year after year, I pretty much knew what to expect – the parade, the acrostic (in which my son has a line), the dance number, the contest and everything. I can't say that I'm excited at all but somehow I found myself almost crying when I saw my son on stage reciting his line about the Philippine eagle.

Damn! I wished I brought my camera!Balong

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