Saturday, November 4, 2006

This article (part of it) from Rolling Stones got me laughing so hard I nearly fell off my chair. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the cover of their latest issue, here's a part of their interview:

Your show has thrived during the Bush administration. Will you miss it?

STEWART: I remember people used to say, "What are you gonna do when Clinton leaves?" And I'd say, "I'm really OK not having to make another intern blow-job joke in my life." And it'll be the same with these guys. I'd much prefer these guys to leave than to have to continue to make Lord Vader jokes about Cheney. I have great faith in institutional absurdity.

But wouldn't, say, a President Obama be harder to make fun of than these guys?

STEWART: Are you kidding?

COLBERT and STEWART in unison: His dad was a goat-herder!

If you're watching TDS regularly you'll know what I'm talking about. If not, you're missing a lot. Really!

If there's one thing I learned from the show, it's ... "In the old country, the most important thing was to keep the goats happy..."

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