Monday, March 21, 2011

Tsunami of a Disaster

This past two weeks had been... well... I initially wrote "hell" (in my mind, of course) but just now I decided to change it to busy because what I've gone through the past days are nothing compared to what the Japanese are going through right now.

The devastation is just so vast that it's like watching a scene from a movie, it seems so surreal.

Seven minutes after the quake the tsunami came crashing... there was just not enough time... to run... to get yourself together... to recover from the initial shock of the quake... not enough time to look for your love ones... not enough time to warn everyone about the big waves!

And let's not forget about the Nuclear plant in Fukushima!

It's so reminiscent of the 2004 tsunami but the big difference is that the Japanese people are just so calm and disciplined all the time, the shortest way to describe it is they don't kill each other for food and water! And they all managed to look cute still...

Kidding aside, I wonder who did they call when the earthquake shook them? Who did they call when the waves were about to crush them?

82 million Japanese do not believe in God. Think about it.

As always, my Anderson is in Japan covering the story... and once again I'll be watching the houses reduced to rubles, the lives lost and the pain from it all through his eyes... be careful, Anderson!

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